Comments for Farmers Weekly
"The FWI news section is invalauable to my family. They have the latest farmlife news and arrange the news articles by content. What more could you want?!"
John - 4th Jan 2006
"FWI have several farm land and small holdings for sale."
Manish Patel - 1st Dec 2005
"I found helpful information about the Scottish land market on this website. It also gave me figures on Scottish land value for arable land, secondary land and permanent pasture land."
Brian C. Gough - 18th Nov 2005
"Farmers Weekly need you to give your name and email address which is quite annoying. But after that I could view whatever I wanted."
AH - 14th Oct 2005
"Land and property wanted section is pretty good."
Liza - 14th August 2005

"I found many people offered to buy farmland for sale in the Farmers Weekly Classified section."
Ravinda - 3rd August 2005
"FWI is my main source for news about arable land. Very informative!"
Ms D. Miller - 14th July 2005
"My main interest is building plots and development land rather than several hectares of farm land. Good place all the same if you're after that sort of thing."
Talvin - 5th July 2005
"Full of useful information to farmers such as myself. More land and property sales please."
C. Crockett - 28th June 2005
"A very good service. I've not bought or sold any land but I use FWI classified to buy and sell machine equipment."
M. Skinner - 4th May 2005
"Great site!"
Jean Solis - 22nd April 2005
"I am always wary of buying land without planning permission, especially in rural areas when planning permission cannot be guaranteed. Make sure you use a solicitor before making a purchase in land."
Martin G - 21st Mar 2005
"Full of upto date news on agricultural land in the UK."
Stuart Howes - 2nd Feb 2005
"Although they have a lot of land for sale, most of the plots are huge - going over 1000 acres! A bit too large for a retired self build enthusiast!"
Heywood i - 4th Jan Dec 2005
"I was able to advertise my agricultural land for sale and sold the land for a good price. I would use them again."
Lizzy McGuire - 20th Dec 2003
"Bought a large plot of land to build family home which had road frontage and in good location."
J. Collinson - 3rd Dec 2003
"Wanted building land next to M25 but was unsuccessful. Would still recommend searching for land on their website."
M. Brownfield - 18 Nov 2003
"Does anyone else have any experience of buying used farmland - how likely am I to gain planning permission within the next 5 years or so?"
S Champion - 26th Sept 2003
"From what I'm seeing, the demand seems to be for land in the South East, so this is were I should buy, yes?"
Judith Hewitt - 9th Sept 2003
"We would like to find some land to build on in the future, not now - we're happy to wait really. How likely is woodland and farmland to get planning permission?"
George Carr. - 3 Sept 2003
"Good selection of fields and large pieces of land, perfect for my sheep. Thank-you!"
Adrian M. Smith. - 20 Aug 2003
"They only appear to have Greenfield Land for sale."
John W. - 3 Apr 2003
"They have lots of Greenfield Land for sale in the middle of the countryside. Which Land Agents offer plots close to residential development?"
Mr Tibb - 5 Jan 2002
"I want to buy land for sale - not a large house with land."
David Franks - 2 October 2002
"All the land seems to be farmland. Where are the building plots for sale?"
Judith Hewitt - 6 September 2002
"I want to buy land - not a large house with land."
David Franks - 2 October 2002
"Who sells lakes near Manchester?"
Y Kuth - 25 August 2002
"The land seems a little rural to become building land."
Sam Patel - 4 September 2002